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Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:21.07.19 13:12 IP: gespeichert
mein Taillenumfang ist 100cm, nach ein paar Jahren bis zu 105cm oder bis zu 95cm, muss ich zur Änderung in die Werkstatt zurückkehren?
oder einfach, wissen Sie, dass der Gurt die Reichweite einstellen kann?
welcher Unterschied? freiliegenden? eingebauten?

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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:21.07.19 14:59 IP: gespeichert
Zitat | mein Taillenumfang ist 100cm, nach ein paar Jahren bis zu 105cm oder bis zu 95cm, muss ich zur Änderung in die Werkstatt zurückkehren?
oder einfach, wissen Sie, dass der Gurt die Reichweite einstellen kann?
welcher Unterschied? freiliegenden? eingebauten? |
Vielleicht solltest du erstmal ergänzen um was es hier genau geht. Ich vermute ein Hüftmodel KG. Aber welcher genau?
Hier kann niemand hellsehen.

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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:21.07.19 18:06 IP: gespeichert
Zitat | Zitat |
mein Taillenumfang ist 100cm, nach ein paar Jahren bis zu 105cm oder bis zu 95cm, muss ich zur Änderung in die Werkstatt zurückkehren?
oder einfach, wissen Sie, dass der Gurt die Reichweite einstellen kann?
welcher Unterschied? freiliegenden? eingebauten? |
Vielleicht solltest du erstmal ergänzen um was es hier genau geht. Ich vermute ein Hüftmodel KG. Aber welcher genau?
Hier kann niemand hellsehen. |
Vielen Dank. Ich bin neuwertig. ist latowski.
Ich weiß nicht genau, mein Taillenumfang beträgt 100 cm. ob oben oder unten, diesen Standard-Einstellbereich?
Keuschi512 |

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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:21.07.19 19:06 IP: gespeichert
Geniale Übersetzung! 
Welche Sprache sprichst Du? Do you speak English?

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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:22.07.19 00:24 IP: gespeichert
Did you know that latowski, waist adjust range?
my waist circumference is 100cm. after few years, if up to 105cm or down to 95cm, need modify?
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:22.07.19 02:39 IP: gespeichert
Hello kassho,
The Latowski is self-adjustable by having 4 holes, 2 per side, drilled into the extra plates over the hipbone. This allows for adding 1.5 cm / 0.59 inch on one side or a total of 3.0 cm / 1.18 inch on both sides together. For me this roughly equates to 5 kilogramm / 11 lb on top of the weight I formerly had when I got measured for the belt. I never managed to reduce my weight below that initial measurement thereafter.
Should you outgrow that range once, you can contract Latowski to exchange the extra plates over the hipbones for a reasonable fee. But be aware, that this might compromise the security of the chastity belt. Eventually you could order an extended hip-plate with three holes right from the start, though I've never seen this, as this would also require an overlong nylon-coating to isolate the locking bolt from the skin.
As an alternative you could check out the products of Carrara which first don't pinch the belly that much, as the belt is cut lower, and second allow for a larger range of adjustment.
Kind regards
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:22.07.19 19:14 IP: gespeichert
am i correct? orginal waist circumference is 100cm, 2 holes per side.
same, adjuest Left and Right. up to +101.5 +103.0, or down to -98.5, -97.0.
standard range, 2 holes per side. there are 5 choice, 97.0, 98.5, 100.0, 101.5 and 103.0 am i correct?
you said that latowski belt around 5kg? it look heaviest.
thanks a lot.
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:23.07.19 23:36 IP: gespeichert
No quite to the point:
The belt itself has a weight of about 1,7 kg. The 5 kg refers to the weight-difference of the wearer. Say, you are at 80 kg and fit in the smallest holes at 100 cm minimal circumference. Then you gain weight and adjust the belt first to 101,5 cm then to 103 cm as you reach about 85 kg. That's about it: 3 settings or plus-minus 1,5 cm from the middle, equivalent to 2,5 kg from the middle.
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:25.07.19 04:45 IP: gespeichert
Extra question, that belt waist curcumference max adjustment limited (example: 100cm),
if locked in a belt for 365 days's, overeating can be change?
because that belt waist curcumference limited. feel almost. I'm full. protect me?
Any advice?
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:25.07.19 10:59 IP: gespeichert
I'm sorry, that's not the way how it works!
Regarding overeating: while you are still at it, the volume will be stuffed inside the stomach, which resides over the chastity belt. So once you reach your maximum filling, the belly will just stretch over the waistline of the belt and protrude your shirt. The chastity belt will become slightly bothersome, as the upper rim cuts into the skin. This might be a little uncomfortable, but as long as you don't try to undo your shoe-laces, everything is fine. It may also cut down on your lung capacity - but while still seated at the table you won't notice, only the next staircase will show.
The real trouble starts maybe an hour later, when the meal is supposed to descend into the bowls. As the belt compresses specifically this area, bowl-mo vement may be impaired by the weight pressing from above. While the fluids drained away quickly, the solid components stay behind. Painful cramps and tear-driving colic will ensue. Opening the belt now might be outright dangerous and require supervision of a doctor.
Depending on what your meal was comprised of, the end result might come out stone-hard up to not willing to exit at all and requiring an enema of liquid.
The reminiscence and dread of going through this again, might stop you from overeating, if you have enough will-power. But then you could do it without the chastity belt anyway. As long as you don't lock your mouth, the chastity belt is not really helping you to stop early on before the third helping.
[Edit]: Dieser Eintrag wurde zuletzt von private_lock am 25.07.19 um 11:03 geändert private_lock - Les 3 côtés d'un SwItCh: TOP & sub
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:25.07.19 18:43 IP: gespeichert
Thanks for your kind reminder.
(1) My target stop gaining weight, and lose weight. Any advice my waist curcumference (relex 102cm, tightly 96cm, target lose weight and keep 88-92cm. ),
what is that belt better range? from 96 to 88cm?
(2) you said standard 2 holes per side. 3 holes look fine.
If special request latowski can support overlong (9cm, 6 holes per side) self-adjustable. is it possible?
from 96 to 88cm (96,94.5,93,91.5,90,88.5)?
and, do you know that standard structure is (back-side, and middle=(bridge?=2 or 3 holes) and front-side 1 hole.)
in my case, need 6 holes per side self-adjustable. simple change that (bridge? ,per side) enough.
(3) If today measure, perfect-fit for me. After 1 or 2 years, lose weight (around loss 10cm to 20cm),
is it need re-build that back-side or front-side? or simply change that bridge? also, that chamber size need change?
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:26.07.19 10:44 IP: gespeichert
Even 12 cm is a humongous amount of steel to cut out of a chastity belt. Just as a theory:
98.0 cm | maximum setting with two prolonged locking plates
| 96.5 cm |
| 95.0 cm | minimum setting with two prolonged locking plates
| 93.5 cm | maximum mixed setting with one normal and one prolonged plate
| 92.0 cm |
| 90.5 cm | minimum mixed setting with one normal and one prolonged plate
| 89.0 cm | maximum setting with two normal locking plates
| 87.5 cm |
| 86.0 cm | minimum setting with two normal locking plates
This would require the belt to cope with a difference of 4.5 cm in the mixed setting. I doubt, you could walk if one of your legs was 4.5 cm longer than the other. The tilt might prove unwearable even though it has the required circumference, it might be to much strain on one side. Also I suspect the hinge to wear out a lot earlier.
Changing the chastity belt by this much almost certainly compromises on it's security. I expect you'll get suboptimal results over the course. And once you find you're able to get off, the whole idea of a chastity belt becomes ridiculous.
I did a quick photo of the locks this morning:

- blue These three rivets connect the back-panel to the locking panel covering the hip bone
- red These two rivets hold the nylon-padding in place
- green There are two holes per side, the bolt is sticking in the lower hole from inside the belt. The lock will engage a furrow in the bolt.
First you don't want the padding to get too long, as the lever-forces / the shear on the red rivets get stronger with increasing length. Therefore the back- and front-panels are drawn out to reach a reasonably short locking panel. This way, the padding can isolate all the rivets and bolts from the skin without ripping off itself. Moreover it has the function, of holding the bolt while the belt is unlocked, so you won't loose it easily while putting on your armor.
For the intended adaptation, I think, you'll have to cut off some of the front and back panel. But there are rivet-holes and the locks to shift aside.
The green holes allow for the mentioned 3 cm total adjustment. As I said, you may ask for a third, though I havn't seen a belt with three holes so far.
The blue rivets can be redone by Latowski to exchange the whole locking plate for a shorter/longer one. If you are already sure you want one, you might order the belt with two sets of locking plates, so you can exchange them yourself. This would save you the hassle of visiting Latowski twice, but you're on your own for drilling and tightening the specific rust-proof stainless-steel rivets.
It's not only about the circumference. Changing it, will also tilt the front / back plate around the hinge at the bottom. This would either drag the anal opening away from the anus or put undue pressure on your genitals.
My advice would be, to loose as much weight as possible before even getting an appointment for the measuring. Then talk to Latowski what can be reasonably expected from a belt. You could spend the money on extra locking plates. On the other hand, for the same price you might get yourself a cheap-china-crap-metal until you are ready to maintain your weight longterm and upgrade to the Latowski.
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:30.07.19 18:50 IP: gespeichert
Thanks so much for everything.
(1) You meaning that "locking plates"? called "bridge".?
(2) do you know that "bridge" standard length?
(3) total waist curcumference = back side + L bridge + front side + R bridge? am i correct?
(4) is it I can order one shorter, one longer. for spares. But that drilling, rivets and nylon-padding. I no that tools and materials, how to rebuild?
(5) Do you know latowski Fully Customizable? no standard product categories.
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:30.07.19 22:39 IP: gespeichert
Hi kassho
- Seems so, though I don't know, where you found the "bridge" named as such?
- No idea. I can just measure mine as 12 cm length
- Yes, if you subtract the overlap connecting all those plates.
- The order process is not just a oneway-form where you punch in your numbers. You'll get an individual measuring-meeting over the course of an hour, where you will discuss all those questions. Just prepare yourself with some key points on a cheat-sheet, so you don't forget to mention them all.
- I've been there twice. They are really nice people. In the end, each belt will be unique, custom fit to your anatomy.
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:05.08.19 05:30 IP: gespeichert
I have question,
that #Urin-Abfluss-Loch
I found
say #Urin-Abfluss-Loch

do you know that image (plug), is latowski accessories? or 3rd accessories?
where to find and buy that plug?
#Abflussschlauch, Preis: 23,00 EUR

is look difference product.
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:05.08.19 18:58 IP: gespeichert
The little black stopper is included in the base-price.
The "Abflussschlauch" = drainage hose (?) comes at an extra price. I don't have it.
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:08.08.19 07:01 IP: gespeichert
I selected integrated locks version.
(1) I know latowski stainless steel type V4a. But that integrated locks, Rivet parts, is it V4a?
(2) I'm Swimming Assistant. Chlorine gases, or salt water. direct or indirect contact.
if oxidation, rusted lock. how to Refinishing? or that integrated locks self-replacement?
(3) do you have some materials can protect it (Prevent oxidation)?
(4) the chamber is what materials, that Chlorine gases, or salt water. oxidation problem, effect?
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:08.08.19 19:44 IP: gespeichert
- Rivets are stainless, though I cannot guarantee them to be V4A. Never had them rusting, but after a few years, they might loosen a bit. But as you plan to loose weight, you'll have to exchange them anyway.
The locks are made of brass. Quite common here in Germany and you should also find them online. You can do the exchange yourself.
- Chlorine or saltwater should be no problem, just rinse with freshwater when your are done. Actually, I recommend a swim to enhance cleanliness, if the key is not available to do a thorough clean-up outside the belt.
- Brass builds an airtight layer of oxide, scratches will "heal" themselves. Just avoid extended skin-exposure. But as the locks are wrapped in steel, you won't notice. The locks contain simple steel springs, that will decay over time. But on the other hand, the belt is warm and moisture is drying fast. But the moisture from sweat will not intrude the locks. It is recommended to apply a drop of oil, but I never did and they still work after almost 10 years.
- The chamber is of silicone. You could even cook it to disinfect, if you plan on reselling it. If you want the electric extras, be prepared, that over the years the electric resistance will rise to the point of not conducting any more.
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:15.08.19 18:47 IP: gespeichert
that rivets, after a few years, they might loosen a bit. Is it simply DIY fixed? or need send to workshop amend?
do you know that chamber, basic chamber or Receiver chamber. only Small/Large size choose?
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RE: Taillenumfang nach oben
Datum:19.08.19 23:27 IP: gespeichert
Until now I haven't done anything about it. So I cannot tell, but I'd first try to give them a hit with the hamer on an anvil maybe. But I cannot promise this will be the sollution. So if I mess it up, I might have to ask Latowski to help me out.
The silicone outer shape should be standard, so theoretically ever chamber can be put into any belt he ever made. Only the length of the leveling of might require trimming to fit into smaller size belts.
The body side of the chamber is mostly controlled by one of three penis-models of different size. This can freely be chosen to your estimate of your member.
In addition, electric extras can be integrated into the volume by sticking cables and contact pads in before molding the silicone.
You see, the whole concept is highly modular. As people sometimes order the electric equipment later, there is even a secondhand market for simple chambers without electric additions, if you e.g. didn't get the size right and want to upgrade / downgrade a little to experiment.
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