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Reinholds KG Träger

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  Reinholds KG (m): Wahrer Erfahrungsbericht Teil 1 Datum:09.08.00 01:00 IP: gespeichert Moderator melden

Nachdem jetzt dieses neue Forum läuft, denke ich, ich sollte mal den Anfang machen und meine Erfahrungsberichte mit dem Reinholds KG, die bisher nur auf Altairboys WebSite zu finden waren, auch hier einbringen. Leider habe ich momentan keine Zeit, sie ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Ich hatte sie direkt in Englisch geschrieben...
Also hier Teil 1! Für Rückfragen stehe ich per mail gern zur Verfügung.

After having been fascinated for years by the idea of being locked into a chastity belt and give over control of my sex to someone else, I joined some clubs on yahoo for like-minded people. At this time I already had resigned myself to not ever being able to wear a belt, because I couldn t tolerate a waistbelt. But in the picture section of the club I found pictures of the belts made by Reinhold and the new design of his belts gave me back the hope for my fascination to become reality!
At once I searched for more information and when I found his webpage and read the information provided there, I wrote a mail to Reinhold immediately! From this first mail resulted a intense mail exchange and at the end we came to the conclusion, that Reinholds Design would work even for me (I have narrow and to vertical hips and a little paunch!). At that time I decided to risk it and made an appointment with Reinhold for measurement. Before the first visit Reinhold required a lot of measurements, which I provided as accurately as possible.

Getting Serious - First visit at Reinholds
The Arrival
Fortunately I live close to Reinholds place, it is only 170 km from my home. So I drove to him on a Saturday morning. Reinhold lives and works in a very little apartment build into an old stable in a little village near Cologne. When I arrived he greeted me most pleasantly. At once he offered something to drink and then we talked some time. He is a very nice and open guy. As we sat there in his little kitchen/workroom and talked I lost all nervousness and soon felt as if talking to an old friend!

Preparing the measuring
Then he showed me the parts he had prepared for the measuring. For measuring he uses a adjustable belt, in which he integrates the prepared parts (back part, anal region part, front part and penis tube with the cup for the testicles). At this time the measuring belt wasn t yet assembled completely, because I fist had to choose between slightly differently sized penis tube/testicle cup combinations. All the talk before and his explanations had me so relaxed in the meantime, that it felt totally natural to strip and try the parts on in Reinholds company! After I had chosen the optimal size, Reinhold completed the measuring belt with the chosen parts, while I watched most interested. During all that time we continued an animated conversation.
When the belt was ready, I got into it and Reinhold adjusted it to a perfect fit. Of course this took some time, because I wanted the most optimal fit we could achieve. When the adjustment was done, I could move around a bit to get a first impression how the real belt might feel. For the first time I saw my manhood encased in unyielding material when I looked into the mirror! The moving around also told me some things about the fit and we adjusted some more. Soon this was done and everything was ready for the final part of the measuring!
The Cast!
The most important part of the measuring for the Reinholds style Chastity belt is the Cast. Because his design depends on a perfect fit on the individual bodyforms of the wearer, Reinholds makes a cast of the wearers body, while the future wearer is in the measuring belt. The cast is made of Plaster of Paris like when you have a broken bone. It goes around the hips and between the legs like a slip made of plaster and covers the whole measuring belt. In this way not only the exact curves and dimensions of the body are available, when Reinholds laminates the actual belt. In fact he simply takes out the measuring belt and laminates directly into the plaster form! Since the fiberglass Reinholds belts are made of is a totally inflexible material that cannot be bend into another form afterwards, such exactness is critical for success!

There I was! Standing in the middle of Reinholds kitchen on a towel, with bare legs spread slightly apart and wearing a temporary chastity device! And it felt absolutely natural even so in the next moment another guy(!) would wrap plaster around parts of me, nobody but myself touched ever before! Really amazing! Reinholds would have made a perfect medical doctor, because his "bedside manner" is absolutely perfect! I didn t even feel the slightest bit of embarrassment! It was as if this was something totally natural which I had done a thousand times before!
Reinhold wrapped me up in the wet plaster and smoothed it. Then I had to stand motionless while the plaster got hard. What a feeling, since plaster gets to be real warm when hardening! During all that time we continued our conversation about various themes. Reinhold provided me with something to drink, while I couldn t move and soon the 20 minutes needed for hardening were gone. Reinhold cut me out of the cast and I went into his bathroom to take a shower for getting all the residues of plaster from my body. Was I glad I had not only shaved of my pubic hair, but also all hair on my ass, between my legs and around my hips, as well as on a narrow strip at the top of my legs! Everywhere I had missed a hair it was most difficult to get rid of the plaster!

After the shower I went home, I couldn t await the time the belt would be ready for the second fitting! Normally Reinholds sends the belt by mail and you sent it back with eventually corrections marked for finishing. But since I live close and I wanted perfect fit, because of my difficult body forms, I went to Reinhold for the second fitting in person. Let me tell you, the weeks between the fittings was most difficult, because I was in a nearly constant state of arousal! But then came the day of the second fitting at last! (In reality it wasn t so long between, but it seemed so to me and I m very grateful that Reinhold took my constant nagging per mail in good spirit and made an early second fitting possible, even so it must have caused him a lot of extra working hours!)
Second fitting
The second fitting was as comfortable as the first. When I wanted to try on the real belt for the first time I couldn t get into it at once, because my member was aroused by all my excitement! But soon I managed to calm down enough and was able to get into the belt. I was astonished how easy it was to get into it! Of course I had opted for the additional second lock and hinge, which makes it even more easy than normal! This addition I can only recommend strongly especially for male wearers!
I felt comfortable in the belt at once and after half an hour it felt nearly natural! But even so there remained some corrections which had to be made. First the belt was a bit to loose for my taste, but this I had caused myself by telling Reinhold at the first fitting that I feared it would be too small! Second the hole at the anus was made too low by half its diameter.

The first thing we corrected by fitting stripes of material under the belt, until it fit perfectly. It is no problem at this stage of the manufacturing to add material there. For the second I feared the wrongly placed hole in back would ruin everything, but Reinhold assured me it would be no Problem to correct it. He marked all necessary changes on the belt with a felt pen. At last I had to choose the color the belt should be painted in. My decision was it should be dark blue, because that is my favorite color and incidentally less likely to be seen beneath my mostly blue or black colored clothes.

Delivery and first try
Again I couldn t wait without nagging Reinhold. He humored me and managed to have the belt ready a week before it was normally possible. And he even sold me the belt for a bit less, because the color wasn t totally even, due to the haste I caused by my nagging! And the color wasn t really a problem, because I already had decided I would repaint it in a even darker shade of blue, bordering on black.
My impatience was so great I even went to fetch the belt from Reinholds place in person, because I did not want to wait for the delivery by mail! As soon as I reached Reinholds place, it was 7:00 PM then, and I got into the belt. It fitted so perfectly, that I was reluctant to get out again. In the end I decided to stay in and wear it for the drive back home, even so I had some misgivings about driving 170 km with the belt on!

But despite all misgivings it was no problem at all to drive in the belt! I only had to adjust the seat position a little bit and everything was fine! It went so well, that I put the belt back on for the night, after getting out for washing and toilet.

When I went to bed, I soon found, that very little adjustments to my normal sleeping position ( I sleep mostly in a position between lying sideways and on my belly.) where necessary to be comfortable. In fact I slept astonishingly well in the belt.

The second day
The second day was a Friday and I decided I would go for wearing full 24 hours or until Sunday morning, when I customarily go to the fitness club for exercise and sauna.
Sitting at the computer
When I did put on the belt, it was Friday 06:30 PM. This time I put some lubricant onto my member first and it proved to be a good idea. With the lube it was even more comfortable than before. I think I will make this a standard procedure! Then I sat before my computer till 11:00 PM and chatted in the IRC chastitybelt channel. It was somewhat difficult, because I couldn t forget the belt. In part this was due to the effects the chat had on my member. It constantly tried to rise and leaked somewhat because of my high state of arousal. Since I didn t want to get my pants wet, I plugged the hole for the urine with some toilet paper. The other part of my inability to ignore the belt came from my seat. I used a hard seat then and couldn t get used to remain in the very erect sitting position the belt demanded for comfort. Later I exchanged the hard seat against a padded one, which widened the range of comfortable sitting position a lot!
While sitting at the computer I realized the penis tube should have been around 5mm longer. In this position my foreskin protruded for one or two millimeters out of the urine-drain-hole when I got the maximal possible part erection (You see I m not circumcised). Touching this little bit of foreskin was very intriguing, but it did not come near to be enough for getting of! So it only suffices to heighten the frustration. I am not sure yet, if I should be glad or sorry for the too short tube!

The first use of the toilet
When it was time for sleeping I faced another first time experience: The using of the toilet! And this proved to pose a lot of difficulties! The technical difficulties were resolved soon, after I learned it was best to spread my ass checks by pulling them out to the sides from the anus-ring! The belt is very well constructed for 24/7 wear and poses no real hindrance for using the toilet. The real difficulty was in the psychological area! I just couldn t manage to squeeze any urine out, because the feeling of "pissing in pants" was very strong. Normally I have no difficulties urinating while sitting or while standing with my trousers up, but the feeling of sitting with my "pants" up proved too much for me to overcome easily! So I was very glad, I had purchased a tool called "freshette" from a globetrotter supply store. It is a contrivance designed to allow woman to urinate while standing and with clothes on. For example if the toilets are very dirty or the climate is prohibitive to unnecessary removal of clothes. Using this, I was able to urinate standing which proved to be easy. There simply wasn t the same feeling of "pissing in pants" since men mostly only open the zipper for urinating while standing. And of course this proved conclusively the reason for the difficulties wasn t in the construction of the belt! The next time I tried while sitting, it was at least possible, if still difficult. Since then it has gotten easier every time I tried. Now, at the time I write this report, I have grown so used to it, that there doesn t remain any difficulty at all!
The next morning
Saturday morning I awoke after sleeping very well. It was time for breakfast. I normally eat breakfast with my mother and I feared she might see the belt under my clothes! But when I looked into the mirror and it was nearly impossible for me to recognize any sign of the belt under my clothes, even so I knew it was there, I was reassured! And indeed the breakfast went very well. She didn t notice anything!
After breakfast I felt the need to shower. It took a few minutes longer than without the belt, because I had to work water and soap under the testicle cup. Drying afterwards wasn t so difficult. I used a small towel to dry beneath most of the belt. Only for drying under the cup I also used the blow drier. I managed to pull the belt one to two cm away from my body in the front with one hand, while directing the hot air from the blow drier under the cup. It worked very well! Freshly showered I was ready to face the rest of the day.

Going to the video store
On the afternoon I had to drive to the video-store, because I had to return some movies I had rented. My first time really wearing my belt in public! I expected someone to point a finger at me any second! Especially nervous made me the feeling of "having it hanging out" which results from the fact , that the penis in unerected state has some room in the tube of the Reinholds CB. I don t know how it locked to the other customers, since I couldn t restrain from instinctively checking every minute or so, if my zipper was closed! But fortunately nobody seemed to take any notice!
Second night and explosion
The second night went uneventfully and in the morning after breakfast, when I prepared for leaving for the fitness club, I removed the belt. I checked, but there were not any pressure marks more pronounced as what the elastics bands in the rim of a slip would cause. I think that speaks very well for the design!
But even so I had intended to leave immediately after removing the belt, my body decided otherwise! I got such a violent erection I couldn t close my zipper without pain! So I went at did something about that. And got an explosion the like I had never seen before! My whole upper torso and of course my genital area were coated. I had to use the shower again to get it all off. This day I was much later at the club as any other Sunday!

The first week
Since my work didn t allow me to wear during the day in this week ( I m a Project Manager in the IT consulting business and my current project was in a critical phase, so I couldn t risk any distractions), I wore every night. At day my workload kept me chaste enough easily! All in all it went very well, even if I had a feeling of pressure in my balls after 3 days. I do not know if this was simply psychological or a real physical effect of being denied when I was used to jerking of averagely 2 to 3 times a day! Fortunately this feeling grew less pronounced on the 4th day and almost vanished on the 5th.
60 hour test
After all I had heard about long periods needed to get used to a Chastitybelt from people who had other types of belts, I felt real daring to increase the duration so fast, but my experiences until then strengthened my belief 60 hours should be possible at this time. But it wasn t really different from wearing 24 hours at all! With daily showers and diligent cleaning after toilet ( using bidet or damp toilet paper and rinsing the penis tube with a squeeze bulb) it went even better than the first 24 hour trial! There you see the effects of getting used to it and developing the best techniques to cope! Even a long shopping trip posed no difficulties and at some times during the test I even totally forgot I was wearing the belt! Only at the end of Saturday I felt a little tender between my legs, but I caused this myself by not drying myself at that place after an afternoon shower. Now its nearly time to remove the belt and go to the fitness club. I would wear it even there, if I did not want to go into the sauna afterwards!
This 60 hour test gave me a lot more confidence and I think I will try wearing the chastitybelt to my job in the coming week, but latest in the one after this. As soon as I have made significant new experiences I will write Part 2 of this document. If this rate of progress continues, I will be ready for real 24/7 soon! Now my only problem is to find a Keyholder! I didn t ever realize how difficult that part of getting into chastity would be! Until now my opinion is, that the Reinholds chastitybelt is certainly most suitable for long time wear, especially if you want to be able to move nearly as freely as without a belt or are concerned about being detected wearing a belt. I had very high expectations and can say, that until now this type of belt is all I desired! If I ever have to purchase another, for example because I am loosing a lot of weight at the moment, I will most certainly go for a Reinholds belt again!
I hope you will find this description of my experiences with the Reinholds CB of interest for you. I tried to tell everything as complete and open as possible. I beg your pardon, if any of my descriptions should have caused you distress by being too direct.

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  Re: Reinholds KG (m): Wahrer Erfahrungsbericht Teil 1 Datum:03.03.05 00:54 IP: gespeichert Moderator melden

könnte der autor oder einer der anderen sprachgenies hier im forum den bericht auf deutsch übersetzen.

(Diese Nachricht wurde am 03.03.05 um 00:54 von Herrin_nadine geändert.)

dominante grüße von
Herrin Nadine

sucht die nicht vorhandenen igel in der kondomfabrik

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