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eröffnet von Belter8 am 10.09.05 02:42
letzter Beitrag von LeLoup am 03.03.05 21:01

1. Reinholds KG (m): Wahrer Erfahrungsbericht Teil 2

geschrieben von Belter8 am 09.08.00 01:04

Hier der zweite Teil meines Erfahrungsberichts!

Frustrating times
After my successfull 60 hour trial of my Reinholds Chastity Belt my biggest source of frustration in the following month perversely wasn t wearing the belt, but beeing prevented from doing so for more than two days at a time! Somehow special circumstances seemed to arise everywhere to foul up any attempt at wearing for a longer period! If it wasn t a vacation where I would be mostly in bathsuit together with people who mustn t know about the CB, it was a scheduled fitting for new trousers (it s impossible to hide ANY CB when the tailor is busy fitting your trousers in the waist!) or a ingrown inflamed hair at by posterior, not directly under the CB, but near enough to cause a lot of discomfort when the backpart of the belt is pressing the flesh slightly outward! Be it one thing or the other, from easter to mid of July it proved impossible to test for an extended period without some interruption arrising.
At last the anticipated one week test begins!

When in July came a time where interruptions seemed unlikely I was very glad for the opportunity to commence with my long anticipated one week trial as the next step in rising the duration of wearing! Even so I looked with some misgivings onto the coming week, because I, having not found a Keyholder as yet, would have to hold the keys myself and so the fear of not having enough willpower to restrain myself from using the key was ever present. In the end this fear proved not to have been justified, but let me tell you it was a close thing sometimes!

I started the test in the night from thuesday to wednesday, before going to bed around midnight. Having made some experiences in the two day stays I frequently had in the past months I first coated the inside of the penis- tube and the testicles cup with a generous amount of vaseline. Thats not strictly neccessary, but I had found that it was a good thing for my skin to do so. Especially in the cup it is difficult to dry of completly after a shower and the vaseline serves very well in letting the water simply flow away. Besides my skin is marvelously soft every time I come out of my vaseline coated belt after a few hours or days in it!

Then there came the big moment! For a few seconds I hesitated, thinking about what I was going to do to myself, but then I overcame my hesitation and shoved my penis into the tube and closed the belt! Just in time too, because my member was already in the process of swelling caused by all those exited/fearfull thoughts! But now it was securely incased in the belt and was soft but firmly prevented from going beyond a relativ soft half- erection! In that moment a week seemed like eternity to me! The excitement kept me awake for some time, but in the end my sleepiness overcame the excitement and I sleept surprisingly well.

In the morning - Awaking
In the morning I awoke when my alarm clock went off and examining my ,condition" I found the usual morning erection had tried to manifest itself, only to be gently reigned in to the maximal possible half erection. The Reinholds design is somehow able to perform this not so easy feat without causing any discomfort. Thinking about it I came to the conclusion, that the effect must result from the special form of the tube. When the penis starts to swell and get erect, it is gradually bent down more and more firmly. My thought is, that by this bending the veins that bring in the blood are reduced in diameter, such reducing the possible influx gradually until at some point an equilibrum between influx and outflux of blood is reached. At this point the erection simply stops growing, without any feeling of beeing compressed uncomfortably.
In this way my morning erections accompanied every day of that week without ever beeing the cause of my waking up!

Taking a shower
In my line of work it is most important to make a good impression and so in my opinion a daily shower is mandatory. During the time of short wearing periods I therefore had developed the (at lest for me) optimal way of taking a shower. Mostly it went like any other shower, only when getting to the belted area I had to make some adjustments. First I had recognized early on, that using a Ph-neutral liquid soap works best in getting it under the CB and in preventing skin irritations. Even the expensive cosmetic soap I use normally does reduce the natural protection of the skin by a small margin which becomes significant if you use it daily and at the same time wear a chastity belt! By using that neutral soap I could reduce the effect to an insignificant level.
The second thing I found out was, that by varying my normal standing posture slightly, I was able to cant the belt a little bit to the back, the front and to the sides. In normal wearing situations that isn t possible and would in any case be too small a change to reduce effectivity of the belt any, but in the shower it is just enough to make it a lot easier to get the soap beneath the belt!

All in all the additional efforts in taking a shower might have increased my average time for taking a shower from 10 minutes to all of 13 minutes, a mere 30 % increase. I think that is not more than a very acceptable amount!

At work
In the first few days I was very nervous and concious of wearing the belt. In the morning-meeting held every day I thought any moment someones eyes must fasten to my neather regions and grow very wide suddenly, but nothing of that sort happend. On the third day I became very busy, because some things went wrong and at the end of the day I realized, that I had totaly forgotten about the chastity belt! After this occurence I went to work with total confidence.Using the toilett was no problem, the procedures I already described in the first part of my report worked perfectly well. I was especially glad not to have to sit down every time if I only needed to urinate, because even so the toiletts were clean, I do not like it too much to have direct skin contact with something so many other people have sat on!
Driving me mad!
Since my place of work in this time was not very near to my home, I had to spend two hours or more every day driving my car to get there and back. The streets I had to take were quiet country roads, so I had a lot of time to think! Those times were some of the worst during the whole week! The belt was very comfortable even in the cramped room of my european compact car, but having nothing else to occupy my mind, my thoughts automatically went to the belt and related sexual phantasies! So my member tried to get erect but of course managed only that sad half erected state the confines of the belt allowed. That in itself wouldn t have been to bad, but the peculiar sitting position in such a car caused, that I could get some minimal friction on the upper side of my cock and could pump a little bit in and out of the penis tube! Pushing in sometimes even brought the head of my penis into an ever so slight contact with the end of the tube! So by rocking my hips back and forth as much as possible in the confinements of my seatbelt, I could get a little bit of stimulation! After the third day I caught myself rocking so without any concious act of will!
Now one could think it would be nice to get some stimulation, but you couldn t be farther from the truth! Since the stimulation was way to little to get to the point of no return, it only served like the most cruel teasing a keyholder could do! And my body was doing it to me itself, since it began the rocking motion on its own!

In all that time the only effect was a copious amount of pre-cum dribbling down the penis tube into my underwear. I was very glad for having decided to use small sanitary pads for the possibility of just such an occurance!

By the way not even the coming of the precum felt as it does without the belt! Because of the peculiar form the belt forced my cock to take, I could practically feel the precum roll down my uretha drop my distinctiv drop! A very peculiar sensation, let me tell you!

Going to the Fitness Studio
After going undetected to work with the CB for half a week, I grew bolt at the weekend and decided to go to the fitness studio while in the belt and try out in how far the belt would hinder me while using all those different machines!
Changing room
When I arrived at the studio I went into the mens changing room. It was during the busy hours in the studio, so at least 6 other men where in the room when I entered. The thought of standing amid all those men while changing into my sports clothes was daunting, but I couldn t very well go out again and waiting for the room to empty was futile in this time of day! So I decided to go on and simply act as if nothing would unusual was going on. I think you can imagine how glad I was at that moment, that the form of my belt is so much like a slip, that it is actually totally covered by my usual slip type underpants!
That day I wore black ones, which prevented my dark blue chastity belt from shining through the cloth. I could scarely belief it, but none of the guys spared me so much as a second look! They didn t notice a thing!

That occurance gave me the last bit of confidence to be able to go out in any social situation while wearing the belt!

Using the machines
After changing I went down to the training room and went to the bycicles first to warm up a little. Beforehand I had worried some, if it would be very uncomfortable to sit on the bycicle, but in reality the only effect of the belt was that I had to sit a little bit straighter than I do normally. Sitting wasn t uncomfortable at all!
So I went from machine to machine without any dificulty with only one exception. There is a maschine where you ly on your back on a moving sled and push with your legs against some weight and so moving the sled. Most of the pressure goes onto your shoulders which rest against some padded supports,but pushing against a big weight -I use up to 210 kg- causes the spine to arch and compress quite a bit and so your hips also slide a bit on the sled. But wearing the belt it was different! The belt didn t slide, because its edge pressed into the padding of the sled. The effect was, that by pushing the sled I tried to push the belt down over my hipbones at the same time! Of course the hipbones beeing slighly wider than the belt I moved it down only a very little, but it put a lot of pressure on the contact points of belt and hipbone! If it hadn t been for the fact, that the reinholds cb does not rest against the bone with its edge but mostly with its inner surface, it could have been very painful! So it was only uncomfortable. I think I will use some other maschines instead of this special type. There are even maschines to train in the same way by another principle, without the sled, and using those shouldn t pose any problem as far as I can see.

Sunbathing in the garden
After long weeks of rainy weather -very unusual for the season- the sun came out one day and the weather was warm. A typical day to do some sunbathing in the garden!
I have a not to small garden and it is so good shielded from view that I sometimes even take a sunbath in the nude, but at the same time it is used by my mother too, who is unaware of my habit of wearing chastity belts! So I covered my cb with a dark slip and went out to take a sunbath, while my mother was laying no more than 5 meters from me, without seeing anything! An hour later she went into the house and came back with some drinks, iced tea in my case, and gave it to me. In this moment she was no further from my belt than half a meter and still did not detect anything! If your own mother does not recognice the belt from such a close distance it should be fairly safe to wear it even into a public bath or at the beach! Especially if you wear some boxer-style swimming shorts!

Last Day and End of the Trial
Sooner than I had imagined at the beginning of this incredible week the last day of the period I had set out to wear had come! Now the last hours seemed to stretch and stretch as release came nearer! I thought about extending the wearing period, but without a keyholder to do it for, I was in the end unable to muster enough willpower to do so. But I think if I would set out for a longer time at the beginning, it would be relatively easy to last longer! The difficulty will mostly be in the hygenic area. Since I like to shave or plug my pubic hair, it would be necessary to shave after a week latest. Doing so myself wouldn t be possible without touching my penis and balls and if I will be able to muster enough willpower to prevent myself from getting relief in such an situation is an open question! Of course I will try, because my next goal will be a two week wearing period, but I hope I will find a keyholder sometime in the future who will then do those tasks, while I am safely secured by other means! It would be real great! I can t belief there is no woman at who would like to be my keyholder! I hope to be a nice guy all in all and so it has to be a matter of finding the woman for the role that surely is out there somewhere! How do you go about finding someone for such a task?
But I was telling about my last day and the end of the trial. At midnight the time was over and I took the key and unlocked the belt. Then took a close look and was very satisfied with the situation. There were no skin irritations at all and the skin was even wonderfully smooth (except for the newgrown hairs of course). Especially where I had coated the inside of the belt with vaseline the skin was soft as a baby s! Inspecting the belt revealed nearly no odor at all, even in the penis tube and after I had removed the remaining vaseline with some tissue the belt was like new!

I think you can imagine what I did next, so I won t go into details there, but I can say it was one of the single most satisfying events of the kind I ever had without a woman to share in it! I can t imagine how good it may have been with a loved woman! And it went on in nearly the same intensity each time in the next 3 days I could make time to try again. And that was a lot of times! So I conclude the time in the belt is very worthwhile in itself and if you have a keyholder to share the joy and benefits of beeing released in the end..... lets say I m convinced none of the two, wearer or keyholder, will ever regrett the time in the belt, because the result more than compensats for the time of denial!

Thinking about this makes me envious of the female keyholders! Having all the attention the belt induces in a partner, beeing able to demand and get satisfaction by other means -if so desired- during the time the wearer is in the belt and that explosion of passion and intensity at the moment the wearer is released.... you could wish to be born female! I can t understand why so few woman seem to see this and in consequence why there is such a shortage of female keyholders!

Last words
Now I have written two parts of my report and I hope you like it, even if my english is sometimes peculiar, beeing a native german speaker and all that. I would like to think it has provided you with some information or some reasurance as to the practicability and desirability of wearing a chastity belt (device) during everyday live. If in further exploits of the theme I should happen about some new fact that I think of interest to the cb- community I will write a third part of this report, but that may be a while. In the meantime feel free to ask questions if you have any. You can find me a lot of evenings (german time) in the IRC channels and maybe altairboy is willing to forward your questions to me, if you ask him to! If you are genuinely interested, I ll gladly get back to you to answer your questions.
And if you happen to wear a belt yourself, please consider writing a report too, because it is a important source of information for other prospectiv wearers and keyholders! For example there is not one report obout the Reinholds cb from the female point of view that I am aware of! How are women supposed to make a decision about which belt to wear, if they don t find anything about the experiences of the wearers of the female version of the belt? Some things male and female versions have in common, but the modt important aspects natually are as diffent as can be! So don t hesitate! Write a report!

P.S. Should some woman read this, live in NRW in germany in the area south of Muenster and be interested in becoming my keyholder, please get in contact! I would be most happy! (You see, I m taking even the off chances to find a keyholder! ? )

2. Re: Reinholds KG (m): Wahrer Erfahrungsbericht Teil 2

geschrieben von Herrin_nadine am 03.03.05 00:56

könnte der autor oder einer der anderen sprachgenies hier im forum den bericht auf deutsch übersetzen.

3. Re: Reinholds KG (m): Wahrer Erfahrungsbericht Teil 2

geschrieben von LeLoup am 03.03.05 21:01

Dürfte ich das Augenmerk auf das Datum des zweiten Erfahrungsberichtes lenken und anfügen, daß der letzte Beitrag von Belter8 in diesem Forum vom 14.08.2002 stammt ...

Le Loup

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